BNSS Engineering Club

BNSS Engineering Club strives to promote a team environment that simulates university engineering design teams.

About Us

Engineering club aspires to promote STEM learning, leadership, technology literacy, and environmental concepts amongst high school students

Burnaby North's very own engineering society

Engineering is the creative application of mathematics and sciences to the innovation of design, construction, and maintenance of structures, machines, materials, and systems. BNSS Engineering club is an initiative that allows students with a shared interest in engineering to collaborate and work on team projects. This process will also allow students to discover what field and specialization of engineering they enjoy while being able to network and solve problems collaboratively.

Stay tuned for a wealth of collaborative and creative opportunities that arise.

During the year, we plan to work on projects such as:

  • What engineering is, and its various branches
  • Designing and building a gas powered bike
  • Software and programming
  • Engineering
  • And more!

Recent Blog Posts

Here are some of our activities and milestones

2023-2024 Team

Jaylee Mah

Jonathan Guan

Nathan Tombs

Steven Zhang

Phil Zhang

Frequently Asked Questions

Press the Sign Up Button!


Building a gas powered bike and learning about what engineering is. No experience required.